@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002381, author = {吉村, 朋矩 and Tomonori, Yoshimura}, issue = {50}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {In this paper, I report on the “Action for enhances the improving of the bicycle use environmental" by Sabae Chamber of Commerce and Fukui University of Technology Yoshimura Laboratory in Sabae City until fiscal year 2019.We are aiming to find potential of cyclists-friendly city in Sabae city. We held a workshop, for the examination and extraction of cycling routes that connect the satoyama area and the downtown area. Through workshop, to found the development of an environment where bicycles can coexist with pedestrians, public transportation, and vehicles, and the creation of attractive urban spaces from the perspective of creating attractive urban spaces.}, pages = {310--316}, title = {鯖江市における自転車利用環境の向上を目指した取り組み(鯖江商工会議所建設業部会との協働事例)}, year = {2020} }