@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002357, author = {三島, 史人 and 中岡, 俊一 and 野村, 直希 and Fumihito, Mishima and Syunichi, Nakaoka and Naoki, Nomura}, issue = {50}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {The volume of contaminated soil induced by the Fukushima accident can be reduced using selection tube with high efficiency. We focused on the target substance in the soil having paramagnetism. We proposed the novel separation method, which is applying a magnetic field to selection tube, aiming for more precise and easier separation than High Gradient Magnetic Separation(HGMS). We showed the effectiveness of Open Gradient Magnetic Separation (OGMS) under the selection tube with using colored glass imitated target substance. The experimental results were found to shows good agreements with the calculated results.}, pages = {103--109}, title = {常磁性体の磁気分離に関する流体制御を用いた高度化}, year = {2020} }