@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002351, author = {谷脇, 一弘 and 譚, 威 and Kazuhiro, Taniwaki and Wei, Tan}, issue = {50}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {In the maintenance and management of the cable-stayed bridges, it is important to measure the cable tension and to maintain the cable tensions within permissible errors for the designed cable tensions. In this study, a reliable method to estimate the cable tensions of cable-stayed bridge is proposed by using the natural frequency and PSO. The natural frequency is measured by the vibration method. The cable tensions are identified by using the least-square method and PSO. The effectiveness and usefulness are illustrated by applying the method to the Bandai bridge (PC pedestrian cable-stayed bridge) in Echizen city.}, pages = {42--49}, title = {振動法およびPSOを用いた斜張橋のケーブル張力の推定について}, year = {2020} }