@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002329, author = {伊豆蔵, 庫喜 and 吉田, 純一 and 多米, 淑人 and Kouki, Izukura and Junichi, Yoshida and Yoshihito, Tame}, issue = {49}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {This paper considers the distribution of the Samurai residences in Matsuoka Castle Town. The Samurai residences were arranged around the palatial residence of the feudal lord in Matsuoka Castle Town. A large site was given the Bangai Clansman of the first-class retainer near a palatial residence. The residence of the Bangumi Clansmen was arranged outside of the residential area of the Bangai Clansmen. As a thing and social position and the salary that a township was divided into by family status and social position became only low, in Matsuoka Castle Town, the tendency to become small was common to the premises with Fukui Castle Town.}, pages = {257--265}, title = {松岡城下における武家屋敷地の分布 松岡藩士とその屋敷地の研究 その1}, year = {2019} }