@misc{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002258, author = {村井, 陽平/川島 洋一 and Yohei, Murai/Yoichi Kawashima}, month = {Oct}, note = {In 2021, the authors collaborated with Sanwa Shokai Co., Ltd. on the design and development of trays for events under contract with the company. Sanwa Shokai applied for a subsidy from the Fukui Prefecture's Growth Industry Challenge Support Project in FY2021, and the project was selected to Type C. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the design work of the trays for events, to record the development process, and to discuss the authors' reflections on the product using the company's cutting edge technology of biodegradable resin, its product value and form of the trays, and its usability.}, title = {生分解性樹脂を用いたイベント用トレーのデザイン開発}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ムライ, ヨウヘイ/カワシマ ヨウイチ} }