@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000022, author = {内藤,景 / 髙宮,千聖 / 山元,康平 / 野口,雄慶 / 辻本,典央}, issue = {53}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {This study aimed to investigate the effects of approximately six months of strength training practice on maximal strength and power in a male student golfer, an amateur-turned-pro golfer. The results showed that the subject experienced an increase in lean body mass, one repetition maximum of bench press and half-squat, and in CMJ jumping height. Moreover, during competition season, the average stroke counts of the subject decreased after training. In a tournament in which professionals competed, the subjects who were amateurs won the championship , indicating that strength training had an indirect positive effect on golf performance. It was found that the interruption of strength training at the beginning of the competition season had a positive effect on golf performance by providing time for competitive golf practice. However, a long interruption in training, approximately six months, had a smaller effect on lean body mass but was associated with a decrease in maximal strength and power performance.}, pages = {126--135}, title = {学生ゴルファーに対するストレングストレーニングの効果に関する事例研究:アマチュアからプロに転向するまでの期間に着目して}, year = {2023} }