@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000013, author = {松浦,敬三 / 高川,喜裕}, issue = {53}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要}, month = {Oct}, note = {Recently, Small Modular Reactor has been investigated as a candidate of future reactor, which is safer and more economical than present reactor, in the world. Since the SMR is intended for use in remote areas where the power grid is not well developed, long-term operation without refueling, that is, high burnup of fuel is desirable. Therefore, the introduction of fuel enriched to about 20wt% is being considered. However, in a previous study, a rapid increase in the FP gas release rate was confirmed in the behavior analysis of high burnup fuel of 120 GWd/tU, suggesting that suppression of FP gas emission is the key to achieving long-term operation. On the other hand, considering the operation of SMR in areas where the power grid is well developed, it is expected to play a role in promoting carbon-free power generation by replacing thermal power generation by performing load-following operation in combination with renewable energy. However, in this case, it is necessary to confirm that the load fluctuation to the fuel caused by load-following operation does not cause fatigue failure. Since both problems are caused by burning SMR fuel to high burnup, this study focused on evaluation of FP gas release and fatigue under load-following operation. This study showed FP gas behavior in high burnup and that FP gas release can be reduced by increasing UO₂ grain size. Furthermore, this study also showed that daily load following operation doesn’t cause fatigue failure on SMR fuel.}, pages = {63--74}, title = {小型モジュール炉燃料の高燃焼度化適用性検討}, year = {2023} }