@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001460, author = {多米, 淑人 and 吉田, 純一 and TAME, Yoshihito and YOSHIDA, Junichi}, issue = {37}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要. 第二部}, month = {May}, note = {The building of worship place which is called "Haisyo" is one of the characteristics of the Shinto shrine in Wakasa-district, Fukui prefecture. In this paper we consider the building form of "Haisyo" as the attached model. We clear following three point. 1) The Shinto shrine which owns "Haisyo" is many in the center and the east, but it is few in the west. 2) About the general building form of "Haisyo", the frontage and the depth are one span, the form of roof style is "Kirizumazukuri" or "Irimoyazukuri" and there are not a wall and a housing part. 3) The "Karahafuzukuri" form is the most decorative.}, pages = {25--32}, title = {若狭の神社にみられる拝所の建築的研究 : 付設型拝所の建築形式}, year = {2007} }