@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001435, author = {大熊, 一正 and 杉原, 一臣 and 須藤, 和敬 and Ohkuma, Kazumasa and Sugihara, Kazutomi and Sudoh, Kazutaka}, issue = {40}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要}, month = {Jun}, note = {Using Moodle which is one of the most famous learning management systems, some programming training classes were performed experimentally. Since the trial might be good experience to construct the useful environment for computer programming practice, some notes which were got by performing the trial lectures are listed here. Moreover, results which are gleaned from student questionnaires about the training class are statistically evaluated. And based on its statistical analysis, prospect of how to apply the Moodle system to the education of fundamental information literacy is discussed.}, pages = {469--480}, title = {Web基盤を利用した学習管理システムによるプログラミング言語教育 環境の構築とその情報基礎科目への応用に向けて}, year = {2010} }