@article{oai:fut.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001053, author = {加藤, 芳信 and Kato, Yoshinobu}, issue = {37}, journal = {福井工業大学研究紀要. 第一部}, month = {May}, note = {The Fukui heavy rainfall in July 2004 is a localized heavy rainfall that occurred in the Fukui Prefecture on 18 July 2004. The disaster due to the flood is analyzed by using ASTER data. The heavy rainfall in July 2006 is a global heavy rainfall that continued from 15 July 2006 to the 24th within the wide range in Kyushu, San-in, Hokuriku and Koushin area. The disaster due to the cliff crumble is analyzed by using ALOS data. The pansharpen color images (2.5m-resolution) are produced by using PRISM (2.5m-resolution) and AVNIR-2 (10m-resolution). In both downpours, the cloud top altitudes of cumulonimbus are analyzed by using MODIS data, and the three-dimensional cloud images are shown. The difference of two rainfall phenomena is described. The false color image, the NDVI image and the pansharpen color image are useful for the disaster detection of the heavy rainfall.}, pages = {335--342}, title = {リモートセンシングによる2004年7月福井豪雨と2006年7月豪雨の解析}, year = {2007} }